Big Promises/ Bold Expectations:
Like many other large corporate initiatives that compete for resources and executive mind-space, the Cx mantra was a big one, and came with a bold promise. It would change the way we think about customers. It would drive institutional awareness of what moves customer perception and behavior. And it would establish and institutionalize practices for continuous improvement across all our touchpoints and service delivery channels. In essence, it would transform our business into a customer-centric enterprise, ostensibly bringing with it increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, sales, and, ultimately, ROI. Judging by the size of these investments (easily in the high six figures incrementally per annum for a maturing Cx program), leadership and company boards are expecting payoffs that are as big and bold as the promises initially made by their CCO’s and Marketing Executives.
As programs mature, many leadership teams and boards are asking (or re-asking) some basic, yet seemingly tough-to-answer, questions:
What does success look like when our Cx Program matures?
- How will we measure progress toward our Cx “end-game ?
- How fast can we expect to start seeing results?
- When will we “ring the cash register” with real ROI for the business? (i.e. how will gains in satisfaction and loyalty translate into tangible benefits to the business such (customer retention, sales, profits, growth, etc.)
If these questions are not top-of-mind, or if the answers seem to be eluding your organization, its time to get them (back) on the radar- and soon… >>Next>>