Line of Sight to Product Excellence

Focusing and Aligning your Product Innovation and Management


Of all the domains found on the balanced scorecards of businesses today, product development and management effectiveness is perhaps the least observed area, largely because most of the value perceived in the product arena occurs outside of the conventional performance management cycle. Center stage in a company’s performance management program is occupied by activities that get “managed” after the product or service is launched…the effectiveness of sales, production, operations, and service responsiveness.

That approach works when the business is built on a single product with a relatively long life span. In these organizations, new product launches are few and far between, and the need for new innovations is a lower priority. But in organizations where the speed and effectiveness of new product development is the lifeblood of success, effectively managing performance in these domains can add significant value.

Critical elements of a successful product development process include:

  • Product developers and managers who are aligned with the business objectives of the portfolio
  • Development processes that enable rapid and continuous innovation
  • Measurement of product outcomes, as well as the successes and failures that occur throughout the process

onVector provides a ranges of services to help product managers deliver on a successful journey of innovation and results:

  • Assessments of product development processes and support infrastructure
  • Organization models to enhance focused product development and management throughout the product or offer’s life cycle
  • Performance measurement and management systems that measure all stages of development from concept development through launch and ongoing management activities
  • Design and installation of product support infrastructures and internal service agreements to help manage commitments throughout the product management journey
  • Integration of product development and management performance into the corporate balanced scorecard and strategic performance management initiatives of the enterprise